OTT Ventures > Services > Multi-Sensory Stimulation

Lack Of Multi-Media Approach To Learning vs Multi-Sensory Stimulation

OTT / EdTech platforms deliver content primarily through video with a very little contribution of other media like audio and text. This does not allow multi-sensory stimulation which is an important element of effective learning. Also, the audio industry is growing like a wildfire and most of the EdTech platforms haven’t cashed on this.

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Want to Experience Multi-Sensory Approach?

We aim to use this multi-sensory approach to learning by making sure our video content is supported by ample reading material, audio podcasts, interactive assignments and more. The traditional PPP (Present-Practice-Produce) method of learning is so far the most reliable approach to retaining newly learnt knowledge and we aim to follow the same on our platform.

The content delivered through video will focus on presenting while supporting audio and reading material will enable students to dive deeper into the topic of their interest. Worksheets and exercises will help students practice what they have learnt and the final assignment will enable students to apply the knowledge they have acquired through the course.